Wednesday 29 April 2020

Technology News in Hindi & english: Latest Technology News, Gadgets-today tech news

Technology News in Hindi & english: Latest Technology News, Gadgets-today tech news 

Technology News in Hindi & english: Latest Technology News, Gadgets-today tech news

Send WhatsApp messages without contacting cell phone, make WhatsApp video-sound calls 

Technology News in Hindi & english: Latest Technology News, Gadgets-today tech news 

Clients get a great deal of highlights and deceives on the informing stage WhatsApp, yet numerous choices you don't have a clue yet. In the event that you need to make an impression on WhatsApp without contacting the cell phone and make video or sound calls, at that point a simple choice is accessible. Notwithstanding Android cell phones, this alternative is additionally accessible on iPhone. 

In the event that you don't care to get the telephone over and over to answer to WhatsApp messages, at that point WhatsApp messages can be sent without contacting the telephone. Thus, on the off chance that you need to open WhatsApp call (sound/video) on a cell phone without a social informing application, at that point there is a simple alternative. This should be possible with the assistance of Google Assistant on Android Smartphone and Siri Assistant of Apple on iPhone. 

On the off chance that you are utilizing an Android cell phone, at that point Google Assistant can be turned on by saying 'alright Google'. Correspondingly, on the off chance that you are on iPhone iOS 10.3 or later on Apple, you can provide voice orders by saying 'Hello Siri'. On Apple, you need to incorporate into Siri Assistant WhatsApp. There is no compelling reason to do this mix independently in Android cell phones. 

Technology News in Hindi & english: Latest Technology News, Gadgets-today tech news 

Technology News in Hindi & english: Latest Technology News, Gadgets-today tech news

On iphone 

  • - Open your iPhone settings. 
  • After this, go to the Siri and Search area. 
  • - Now you need to turn on the 'Tune in for Hey Siri' choice. 
  • You can likewise empower Siri by pushing on Home. 
  • - Siri can be empowered by squeezing the side catch in Apple iPhone X or some other gadget. 
  • - After this you need to look down and tap on WhatsApp. 
  • - Now turn on 'Use with ask siri'. 

Presently by talking effectively, you won't just have the option to send WhatsApp messages yet can likewise make video or sound calls. 

- You need to provide orders like Send Whatsapp Message or Make Whatsapp Call. 

On android cell phones 

Technology News in Hindi & english: Latest Technology News, Gadgets-today tech news

  • Google Assistant ought to be turned on when you speak Ok Google in your cell phone, on the off chance that it doesn't, at that point go to Google Settings and empower it. 
  • After Google Assistant is open, you need to provide voice orders. 
  •  After providing the order Send Whatsapp Message to XYZ, the associate will request the message. 
  • The message will be composed when you talk and will be sent to the XYZ contact. 
  • So also, you can call somebody on WhatsApp by providing the order Call XYZ on Whatsapp. 

Rather than XYZ, you should state the name of the contact and you will have the option to make video calls by providing a similar order. 

Record video calls like this on WhatsApp, simple way 

Technology News in Hindi & english: Latest Technology News, Gadgets-today tech news 

Today we are disclosing to you how to record WhatsApp video brings in your cell phone. This strategy is exceptionally simple 

Taking into account the expanding pattern of video calling, WhatsApp has as of late changed the constraint of gathering video calls. Presently WhatsApp clients can associate up to 8 individuals in the gathering by means of voice or video call. Here and there during video calling we want to record a few things. In such a circumstance, today we are disclosing to you the path through which clients can record WhatsApp video calls. 

The most effective method to record whatsapp video call 

Technology News in Hindi & english: Latest Technology News, Gadgets-today tech news 

Recording WhatsApp video calls is the simplest in iOS gadgets. IPhone clients can record WhatsApp video calls through the screen recording highlight. Simultaneously, Android phone clients can likewise utilize this element, despite the fact that not all phones as of now have this element. 

This is the way Android clients record WhatsApp video calls 

On the off chance that your Android gadget doesn't have the screen recording highlight, at that point you should download an outsider application from the Google Play Store. 

  • Download the application and give it the important consent. 
  • Presently, by making WhatsApp video calls, turn on screen recording through the application. 
  • This is the means by which iOS clients record WhatsApp video calls 
  • Start WhatsApp video call. 
  • Swipe up from the base of the screen, which will open the Control Center. 
  • From here tap on the screen recording symbol. 
  • Remember to turn on the receiver choice. 
  • Presently WhatsApp video calls will begin being recorded.
