Tuesday 5 May 2020

how to use google classroom-google classroom in hindi

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi, Google Classroom Information Hindi, online classroom information in Hindi, how to teach online, give learning online for free.

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

Google Classroom: Take Learning Beyond Classroom Walls! 
As we move from the advanced world to the paper world through the virtual world, we ought to consider settling on a choice that won't just be useful for understudies, however will make showing life of educators simpler. . 

All alternatives are accessible before us, yet the most significant is that we fabricate a computerized homeroom that makes a wide range of assets accessible to understudies whenever, anyplace. 

Today, training isn't constrained to just four dividers. Understudies are likewise instructing outside the homeroom. From guardians who help understudies to do schoolwork, extra-curricular movement, field excursions, and that's only the tip of the iceberg, from which understudies can learn from various perspectives past the dividers. 

This is the reason today we will discuss an element of Google, wherein educators will have the option to inspire understudies to learn, paying little heed to place or time. 

Google Classroom: 

  • Google Classroom is a free web administration for schools, non-benefits and any educator who has a Google account. Google Classroom makes it simple for students and educators to associate all through schools. 

  • Google Classroom encourages instructors to spare time, keep the class sorted out and improve correspondence with understudies. 

Advantages of Google Classroom

#1-Simple Setup- Teacher class can set-up, welcome understudies and co-educators. In the class stream, they share assignments, declarations, and questions. 

#2-Spares time and paper - Teachers can make classes and disperse assignments in a single spot. 

#3-Improved Organization - Students can see assignments on their work page, in the class stream, or on the class schedule. 

#4-Better correspondence and input - can make educator assignments, send declarations, and start limits in the study hall. Understudies can impart assets to one another. The educator can promptly observe which understudies finished the work and who didn't. What's more, they can give input and grade progressively. 

#5-Modest and safe - Classroom is free. There is no promotion in the study hall. 

#6-Instructor- Can make and oversee classes, send assignments and grade. 

#7-Understudy- Keep track of classwork and material. Offers assets and collaborates by means of email. Present the task. Gets criticism and grades. 

#8-Gatekeeper- Receives an email synopsis of his understudies' works. This synopsis incorporates data about the work they have done, up and coming assignments and class action. 

Google Classroom naturally shares their folks' work with understudies. This permits them to effectively comprehend the advancement updates of their kids. 

The most effective method to make Online Google Classroom: 

Google Classroom instructors are an extraordinary stage for collaborating with their understudies. The instructor posts questions or assignments in the study hall, which are noticeable to all understudies. At that point they react, which just the educator can see. In light of this, educators give grades. 

Step-1: Sign in with your Gmail Account 
Go to the connection in Google Classroom and sign in with your Gmail account. Next, you will have the option to see the study hall interface which will be unfilled just because. 

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

Step-2: Create a class 

  • Making a class is extremely simple. You should simply tap on the in addition to + symbol on the upper right side and select Create Class. 

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

  • Presently a spring up will show up, where you should give data about class name, area, and subject. 

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

  • At that point click on Create button. 

  • Presently you can see that your class has been made. 

Step-3: welcome understudies 

  • Subsequent to making the class, welcome the understudies. Now, hit on the Student tab button. 

  • To welcome understudies, you can either share a code on the left side or conjure them from your email address. 

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

Request that understudies go to the http://classroom.google.com page. 
Or on the other hand you can likewise solicit to download the Android application from Google Classroom. 

  • At that point click on the upper right in addition to symbol and advise them to enter this code. 

  • All understudies who join this class show up under the Student tab. 

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

Step-4: Create an Assignment 

Snap on the Stream tab to make a task, and afterward move the mouse pointer to the in addition to + symbol underneath. 

At that point click on Create question. 

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

  • As a study hall educator, you can post short-respond to or different decision questions. 
  • Enter the title and directions. 
  • You can set the date for understudies to respond to this inquiry. 
  • For short-answer questions, understudies can answer to one another and understudies can alter replies on or off. 
  • What's more, you can likewise connect the record or URL interface from beneath. 
  • As a matter of course, this inquiry is presented on all understudies from the class. You can present this inquiry on various understudies. 

At last snap on the Ask button. 

See screen capture underneath for how to make Question.

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

Step-5: See Answers 

Presently, subsequent to posting your inquiry, you will have the option to see which understudy has addressed the inquiries and who has not. Furthermore, when the responses to the inquiries begin originating from the understudies, you will have the option to see their answer continuously. 

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

Step-6: View work 

On the Work page, you can survey the understudies' assignments and questions. 
Snap on the three-line menu on the upper left side and select Work. 

Step-7: Grade the task 

  • At the point when the appropriate responses will originate from all the understudies or on the due date, you can review the understudies. 

  • To do this, click on the inquiry for which you need to review the understudies. From that point forward, another page will open, where you will see the rundown of understudies and their particular answers. 

  • The default point an incentive here is 100. To change this, click on the point esteem and enter your worth. 

  • As indicated by the appropriate response, you can give 100 focuses. 

how to use google classroom-google  classroom in hindi

Along these lines, you can without much of a stretch take understudies' homeroom anyplace.
