Sunday, 7 June 2020

How can I get AdSense approval fast?-Latest Adsense approval trick(100% genuine)

Fastest Google Adsense Approval Tricks 2020 ! गूगल एडसेंस अप्रूव Latest Tricks


Most bloggers have an equivalent question that Google AdSense Account kaise approve kare on their blog. 90% of bloggers don't get Adsense approval in their first attempt and that they are forced to shop for Adsense account after getting upset or they quit blogging.

Making money from your blog is that the dream of each new blogger and for this AdSense is that the best monetization method. But getting AdSense approval isn't that easy, especially for the new blogger. the rationale for this is often that we don't have complete knowledge about Adsense policy, thanks to which our application gets rejected.

Today i'm getting to tell you about Adsense account approval tricks which by following you'll likewise approve Adsense account on your blog.

AdSense Account Approved Kaise Kare

You will know that during a country like India, Pakistan, your blog should be 6 months old for Adsense approval (As per Adsense Guideline).

How I even have worked on this blog for two months and which tips you've got to follow to urge the approval of Google Adsense on your blog.

1- Use Custom Domain

Tech2wires I created this blog on Blogspot. First of all, I bought the domain ( from Bigrock and after creating a blog on Blogspot, setup a custom domain in it.

If you've got a blog in Blogspot, then firstly you employ custom domain on your blog. Because it gets the approval of Adsense on your blog quickly and therefore the Adsense account you get is Non-hosted Adsense Account.
You can buy domain for your blog from cheap websites like Godaddy, Bigrock etc. 

Note- for 100% Google Adsense approval Always use Top level domain like .com, .in, .org, .net.

But if you employ free domain or sub-domain like .tk, .ga, .xyz then your Adsense won't be approve.

Q: what percentage months should the domain be old before applying for Adsense?

 there's no particular day after which you apply for Adsense. consistent with me, if you've got top quality content, then you'll get approval on 10 days old domain also.

2- Create Important Pages

After creating a blog, it's important to possess some important pages like About us, Contact us, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy page. This pages shows that you simply are knowledgeable and you're working consistent with Google's policies.

Online you'll find many such websites from where you'll create of these pages for the blog. repeatedly a blog gets approval of Adsense even without of these pages. But it depends on your luck.

3- Choose Right Topic

Blogger doesn't give much importance to the subject whereas to urge approve in Adsense you ought to choose the proper topic. once I started blogging, I didn't get Adsense approval on my first 2 blogs, because I didn't choose the proper topic.

You try to form a blog associated with education, health or technology on which you'll get the approval of Adsense soon.

Which type of blog shouldn't be created?

Movies, Song downloading site, Games downloading site, Mobile specification, feature Blog, Cricket matches (Score), Festival wishes & quotes Blog,
Or don't create such blogs on which you're unable to write down new content.

Also don't create blogs or content associated with Pornography / Adult materials, Pirated Content, Hacking or Cracking Tutorials, Illegal Drugs, the other Illegal Stuff.

4- Write Original / Unique Content

Most bloggers fail to follow this tip, thanks to which Adsense isn't approved on their blog.

Whatever article or post you write should be your original and unique means your content has not been copied from anyone. Most new bloggers copy content from another blog and make a replacement post, in order that Google easily grabs it and doesn't approve those blogs.

Along with the first content, the post should have proper headings and sub-headings, there shouldn't be grammar and spelling mistakes, the post should be useful and informative.

Use the Copyscape Plagiarism Tool to see the originality of the content in your blog.

If you are doing not skills to write down good unique content, then you'll never achieve success in blogging.

5- Number Of Posts

How many posts must be done before applying for Google AdSense?

There is no specific answer to the present , it depends on the length of your content.

If you write a 300 word post, then there should be minimum 25 to 30 posts in your blog. If you write a piece of writing of 500+ words, then there should be 20 to 25 posts in your blog and 15 posts with quite 800-1000 words will need to be written.

The more word content you write, the greater the probabilities of getting Adsense approved on your blog. Otherwise your AdSense are going to be disapproved thanks to insufficient content.
6- Supported Language

Adsense doesn't support all language. In India, you'll make a blog in English, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil and Urdu and obtain it approved through Adsense. But if you create a blog in the other Indian languages (Telugu, Marathi, Kannad, Gujarati etc) then you'll not get Adsense approval in it.

7- don't use copyright image

There shouldn't be a copyrighted image of another site on your blog, especially by downloading any photo from Google Image and don't use it in your blog. Otherwise your AdSense application are going to be rejected.

I use royalty free image on my blog from sites like, aside from this, I create a picture through Photoshop and and use it within the blog.

8- Blog Design (Responsive Theme)

For AdSense approval, the planning of your blog should be simple and professional. For this, use the proper Theme / Template in your blog which is responsive and mobile friendly.

In addition to employing a good theme, it'll even have to be customized properly. Most of the new bloggers aren't ready to customize their theme well, thanks to which the planning of the blog isn't good.

A well-designed blog should have of these features: Theme design should be simple or white background. Make favicon and logo for blog. Navigation is sweet . don't use unnecessary widgets. Set menu properly. Any On opening the link, there's no error. Blog should have fast loading speed.

If your blog also has of these features, then now you'll apply your blog for AdSense approval.

9- Remove other Ad networks

If you're also using ads from other Ad Network like Revenuehits, Popads, Bidvertiser, Chitika, then before applying for Adsense, remove those ads from your blog.

Adsense allows some ad programs to point out ads with them and doesn't support some ad networks. Therefore, remove all ads from your blog once you are applying for AdSense and until you get a reply from Adsense.
10- Blog Traffic

Although there's no guideline regarding traffic in AdSense approval, but once I applied my blog for Adsense, 100+ traffic was coming to my blog. But consistent with me, albeit 50+ traffic is approaching your blog, you'll still apply for Adsense approval.

Where is that the most vital traffic coming from your blog?

If you're using paid traffic or getting traffic from an illegal source, then your AdSense application are going to be rejected. attempt to get more and more traffic to your blog from social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc) and Google search (organic).

What does Adsense disapprove in transferring from Blogger to WordPress?

If you're employing a custom domain in Blogger like then Adsense doesn't disapprove once you transfer to WordPress.

Can you add youtube channel and blog with a google adsense account?

Yes, you'll monetize the blog by linking YouTube channel with an equivalent AdSense account.


Now apply your blog for Adsense. If you've got created your blog by following of these Google Adsense approval tips, then I offer you 100% guarantee your blog are going to be AdSense approved.

If your Adsense isn't approved, then you want to have understood the way to approve Google AdSense Account and earn money from it. Here I even have shared my experience of 1 and a half year. Hope you discover this post helpful.

If you continue to have any question, you'll inquire from me within the comment below.

Share this post on as many social media as possible in order that you also as others are often helped.

