Monday 14 December 2020

500 error in Google | gmail down |google drive down-fix

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People round the world square measure unable to access Gmail, YouTube; 380 million users of each services

google gmail down,  google drive down,  google docs down,  google maps down,  g suite download

Google Gmail Down Update: Why is Google Gmail Down today? YouTube Outage Cause | Why is Gmail not working?

At 5.26 pm on Mon, Google's Gmail, Hangouts as well as YouTube, Google Forms, Google Drive, Google Drive, Google Docs square measure through with the services.

Google's services in booking became until five.26 pm on Mon evening. folks square measure unable to use Google's services as well as G-mail, YouTube. Google has not reduced any of this bother nevertheless. However, Google search is functioning.

Also services like profile, drives and docs

According to Britain's Mirror Letter, fifty four of individuals in Dunya won't be able to access YouTube. forty second aren't able to watch the video. solely third-dimensional folks couldn't. with the exception of this seventy fifth folks couldn't access Gmail and V-day folks couldn't access the web site itself. with the exception of this, V-E Day folks aren't receiving the message. Google's hangouts, Google Forms, Google Drive, Google Drive, Google Docs services have conjointly become obtainable. Earlier on August twenty, all Google services were paid.

180 million users of Gmail

Gmail has over a hundred and eighty large integer users in bookings. it's forty third market share of email service in 2020. At identical time, twenty seventh folks email by phone. over seventy fifth of individuals use phones for email merchandise. daily 306.4 billion emails square measure sent and received in 2020.

YouTube has over two hundred million users. YouTube same that we tend to square measure conscious of this downside of learning and our team is continually observance it. you may be updated shortly during this regard.

Google's network, the world's largest programme, is down. throughout now services of Gmail and YouTube also are not operating. in keeping with the downeditor, on Gregorian calendar month fourteen, 2020, Gmail came to a halt at four.43 pm. After this, YouTube conjointly stagnated for a protracted time. At identical time, several users have complained that Google Drive has conjointly stopped. once the Gmail stop, users have received a mistake message of five hundred.

UPDATE 06:08 PM- All Google services have currently started once obstruction for regarding AN hour. currently login is additionally started in Gmail. Docs have conjointly started operating with Google Drive.

68 per cent of individuals have complained of login once Google's services had a tangle with the downdictor, whereas eight per cent had complained regarding not receiving e-mail. several users have complained regarding account log-out, though YouTube's service has currently started.(solved) All google services-

google gmail down, (solved) 

google drive down,(solved)

google docs down, (solved)

google maps down, (solved)

g suite download(solved)
