Monday 4 July 2022

[100% fixed*] hayward pool heater error codes (A to Z Troubleshooting guide)?

How to fix hayward pool heater error codes (A to Z Troubleshooting guide)? 


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πŸ”·Hayward setup error code PS | FLo

What it means: water pressure switch sleuthing tide levels within the setup

How to fix it:

✔️Check that pool pump 

✔️Ensure that your pool pump is causation water to the warmth pump

✔️For variable speed pool pumps, strive putt the pump speed up a notch

✔️Check for any clogs or backups inflicting poor water circulation (filter, pump/skimmer baskets)

✔️Ensure that bypass valve is closed which all different valves area unit open

πŸ”·Hayward setup error code LP | LP3

What it means: something is obstructing the warmth pump’s air flow | record3: three consecutive LP faults have occurred, unit clean up

How to fix it:

✔️Make sure the warmth pump’s vents area unit cleared and leaving air flow

✔️Troubleshoot the difficulty with a pool heater repair technical school

πŸ”·Hayward setup error code HP | HI | HP3

What it means: this code (HP & HI) indicates tide flow or high pool water temperature | HP3: three consecutive hard-hitting faults have occurred, unit clean up

How to fix it:

✔️Try previous troubleshooting steps for notation error code

✔️Set unit to ACP (if available)

✔️Use a measuring device to see that the pool temperature matches the heater’s temperature reading

✔️Call pool heater repair technical school to troubleshoot unit

πŸ”·Hayward setup error code SH | SF | OP | laptop

What it means: water temperature detector is shorted or defective

How to fix it:

✔️Seek skilled pool heater repair for facilitate troubleshooting and substitution detector

✔️Hayward setup error code dPo


What it means: the temperature probe on the suction facet of the pump could also be disconnected, open, or defective

How to fix it:

✔️Call skilled pool setup repair technician to examine the probe, and replace if defective

πŸ”·Hayward setup error code dPc

What it means: the temperature probe on the suction facet is shorted or defective

How to fix it:

✔️Call skilled pool setup repair technician to exchange the probe

πŸ”·Hayward setup error code FS | dEF

What it means: unit is mechanically defrosting (frost could also be briefly visible on coils)

How to fix it:

Nothing, this can be traditional

πŸ”·Hayward setup error code cOP | cSH

What it means: coil detector failure or short

How to fix it:

Call skilled pool setup repair technician to examine coil detector, and replace if defective

πŸ”·Hayward setup error code PNL | standard time

What it means: control panel isn't receiving a symptom | PST: a panel button is stuck

How to fix it:

✔️Seek skilled pool heater troubleshooting facilitate


What it means: control panel isn't receiving a symptom

How to fix it:

Seek skilled pool heater troubleshooting facilitate

How to fix hayward pool heater error codes (Full Troubleshooting guide)? 





















  All image credit:-UHS Heater Troubleshooting guide (download) 


I hope that these charts area unit useful in determination your Hayward pool heater issues. Pool heaters may be the foremost hard piece of pool instrumentality, however if you think that sort of a combustion, and take into account the right flow of gas, water and electrical, you’re guaranteed to notice an answer quickly.

Troubleshooting pool heaters may be a organized method; or a process of elimination very. 1st eliminate water flow problems, then gas flow problems, and eventually the low voltage electrical currents that run between pool heater elements. And if you have got Hayward heater error codes on show, that creates finding the matter virtually easy! 
