Thursday, 14 July 2022

[Exact problem*] pebcak error-guide to pebcak error (example)?

[Problem and solution*] pebcak error- guide to pebcak error (example)? 


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Short for problem exists between keyboard and chair, pebcak is a term employed by laptop technicians and IT professionals to explain a user error. The term asserts that the user is in charge once concerning the technical issue at hand; not the put in code or the device itself. Pebcak is also thought-about a uncomplimentary term because it is sometimes directed at laptop users World Health Organisation have created miscalculation.

What will PEBCAK Error Mean?

A PEBCAK Error may be a uncomplimentary term employed by support Associate in Nursing technical staffers to explain Associate in Nursing user that's having issues victimisation an application on their digital computer or the digital computer itself. The term itself is Associate in Nursing signifier standing for "Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard" and insiduates that the tip user in question is that the supply of the matter.

The term is sometimes used once the difficulty being self-addressed may be a basic user error. for instance, wherever the user has the CAPS LOCK key ironed down used throughout arcanum entry.

A PEBCAK Error may be utilized in a blithe thanks to justify what the difficulty was once Associate in Nursing user simply cannot get one thing right. It may also be accustomed taunt technical staffers World Health Organisation create a error. Being a uncomplimentary term, it shouldn't be used outside of the support department, and not documented in hassle tickets. Keep it an enclosed joke among yourselves

PEBCAK, one amongst several terms utilized in Internet chatting, stands for "problem exists between chair and keyboard," which means it is a drawback in user understanding or behaviour instead of one thing wrong with hardware or code. The term is usually used by help desk people since it is a common category of issues.

There are many variations, like PEBKAC (problem is between keyboard and chair). See chat acronyms.

PEBCAK, one amongst several terms utilized in web chatting, stands for "problem exists between chair and keyboard," which means it is a drawback in user understanding or behaviour instead of one thing wrong with hardware or code.

Example of pebcak error

Computer #1: "What did you identify to be the reason for that Microsoft Word issue that Jane was having?"

Computer #2: "It was simply a PEBCAK error. Jane was choosing the incorrect menu possibility."

Tips and tricks:-

Another similar signifier is PEBCAk, that is brief for problem exists between chair and laptop. In each things the matter is describing user error.
