Saturday 15 October 2022

[FIXED] 6 ways to fix value error in python (with example)-100% fixed

[100% fixed] value error python (complete solution with example)?

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Errors detected throughout the Python program execution ar exceptions and not categorically fatal: you'll presently find out how to handle them in your programs. Errors can't be handled, whereas exceptions in Python are often handled at the run time.

When a blunder happens at the time of death penalty any script, then it's known as Associate in Nursing exception. The try except block is employed to handle exceptions in Python. several intrinsic  exceptions exist in Python to handle common errors, like Index Error, Key Error, Name Error, Type Error, Value Error, etc. The Value Error occurs in Python once an accurate argument kind is passed however Associate in Nursing incorrect worth is passed to a operate. this sort of error primarily seems for mathematical operations. once the Value Error occurs and also the approach of handling this error in Python has been shown during this tutorial.

Exception handling makes your code additional hale Associate in Nursingd helps anticipate potential failures that will cause your program to prevent in an uncontrolled manner.

Quick tips and tricks to fix value error in python?

Quick tips and tricks to fix value error in python?

In python programming Errors are often  following types:

✅Syntax Error

✅Out Of Memory Error

✅Recursion Error


An exception object is formed once a Python script raises Associate in Nursing exception. for instance, let’s see the Value Error exception.

Python Value Error

The Value Error exception in Python is raised once the strategy receives the argument of the correct data type but Associate in Nursing inappropriate worth. The associated worth is a string giving details regarding the information kind match.The Type Error exception in Python may be raised by user code to point that Associate in Nursing tried operation on Associate in Nursing object isn't supported or meant to be.

Let’s see the Value Error Exception example.

import math



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/Mishra/Desktop/code/pyt/database/", line 3, in <module>
ValueError: math domain error

How to resolve Value Error Exception in Python?

To resolve the Value Error exception, use the try except block. The try block lets you check a block of code for errors. The except block enables you to handle the error.

import math

data = 64

    print(f"Square Root of {data} is {math.sqrt(data)}")
except ValueError as v:
    print(f"You entered {data}, which is not a positive number")


Square Root of 64 is 8.0

Now, let’s assign the negative worth to the information variable and see the output.

import math

data = -64

    print(f"Square Root of {data} is {math.sqrt(data)}")
except ValueError as v:
    print(f"You entered {data}, which is not a positive number")


You entered -64, which is not a positive number

You can see that our program has raised the Value Error and dead the except block.

Our program will raise Value Error in int() and math.sqrt() functions. So, we will produce a nested try except block to handle each of them.

[FIXED] 6 ways to fix value error in python (with example)-100% fixed 

Python Example#01: Raise the Value Error for Incorrect data

Create a Python file with the subsequent script that may raise a Value Error wherever the int() operate has been accustomed convert a string worth.


#Define the first variable

number1 ==100

#Define the second variable

number2 = int('Hello')

#Print the sum of two variables

print(number1 + number2)



The following output can seem when death penalty the on top of script. The output shows that the Value Error has occurred at line range four wherever the int() operate has been accustomed covert the string, ‘Hello’.

Python Example#02: Handle the Value Error by the help of Try Except Block

Create a Python file with the subsequent script that may take the age value from the user. If a non-numeric worth are going to be taken from the user for the age value, then the try block can throw the Value Error exception and print the custom error message. If the valid age value are going to be taken from the user, then the message are going to be written supported the age value.

Value error in python


Python example#03: Raise the Value error in function

Value error in python fixed


Python example#04: use value error inside and outside of the function

Value error in python fixed

Python Example#05: Use of the Value Error with different Error

Create a Python file with the subsequent script that may open a file for reading and print the content of the file. If the file name that has been utilised in the script isn't accessible, the IO Error will be generated, and if the file contains any letter of the alphabet, then the Value Error will be generated.

Value error in python


The following output can seem when death penalty the on top of script. Here, the Value Error has been generated as a result of the sales.txt file contains alphabetic characters at line range six.

Python Example#06: Use of the Value Error with the Command Line Argument

Create a Python file with the subsequent script that may take variety from the command line argument worth. the actual message are going to be written if a numeric worth is provided within the command line argument, otherwise, the Value Error are going to be generated and a blunder message can be written.

Value error in python fixed

The following output can seem when death penalty the on top of script once the script is dead with none argument, with the argument values 600 & 60.


Passing arguments of the incorrect knowledge kind ought to end in the Type Error, however passing arguments with a false worth ought to end in the Value Error.

That is it for the Value Error exception in Python,If you have any questions regarding python,then comment us in comment section,It's my pleasure to help you,Thank you.
