Saturday 12 November 2022

Why Twitter pauses blue tick subscription as it scrambles to curb fake accounts?

[Today] Twitter pauses blue tick subscription as it scrambles to curb fake accounts?

Twitter pauses blue tick subscription as it scrambles to curb fake accounts

Twitter moved on Friday to curb fake accounts that have proliferated since Elon Musk's takeover, sus pending sign-ups for a new paid check-mark system and reinstating a gray "offi cial"badge on some accounts. The U-turn was the lat est of a string of chaotic de velopments at the social network, which has lurched back and forth on the question of account verification since Mr. Musk's $ 44 billion buyout late last month. The @TwitterSupport account tweeted early on Friday that a gray check mark indicating an "offi cial"account was coming back, only days after it was introduced then almost.

immediately scrapped. " The roll-out of the label appeared inconsistent : it appeared briefly then dis appeared from the net work's own account, @Twitter. By Friday morning, the firm had also disabled sign ups for Twitter Blue, the feature touted by free speech proponent Mr. Musk as bringing "power to the people"by offering ordinary users a verified blue tick until then re served for prominent ac counts for $ 8 per month. media, including The Washington Post, con firmed the feature had been temporarily disabled.

Why Twitter pauses blue tick subscription as it scrambles to curb fake accounts?

to "help address imperso nation issues". In introducing the paid blue-check verification sys tem, Mr. Musk had warned that Twitter would sus pend fake accounts not clearly marked as parody. But accounts impersonat ing public figures and busi nesses had continued to spread, with NBA star Le Bron James and former British Prime Minister To ny Blair among those tar geted. U.S.

stamped fake account with a purchased blue tick-tweeted that insulin was to be made available for free. The turmoil has raised concerns about the potential for serious dam age, should nefarious ac tors successfully pose as of ficial representatives of powerful companies or go vernment entities. The disarray which saw two more top security executives quit on Thurs day-drew a rare warning from the Federal Trade Commission which said it was tracking the develop ments with "deep con cern". The same day, Mr. Musk informed to our Twitter employees the site was effected through cash dangerously fast, raising the spectre of bankruptcy if the situation was not turned around.
