Tuesday 24 October 2023

graphql query is unauthorized [How to Fixed]?


graphql query is unauthorized

What is graphql query is unauthorized ?

It seems that you are encountering an error message that says "GraphQL query is unauthorized". This could happen for various reasons, depending on your backend and frontend configuration. Here are some possible causes and solutions that I found from the web:

👉- One reason could be that you are missing an **Authorization header** in your HTTP requests to the GraphQL server. You need to provide a valid token that matches the authentication mode of your GraphQL schema. For example, if you are using Apollo as your GraphQL client, you can create a link with the header like this²:


const link = createHttpLink({

  uri: "/graphql",

  headers: {

    Authorization: 'Bearer <your token here>'




👉- Another reason could be that the **auth mode** for the model does not match the configuration. If you have a model that is not "public" (available to anyone with the API key), then you need to use the correct mode to authorize the requests. For example, if you are using AWS Amplify with GraphQL, you might need to use `aws_cognito_user_pools` as your auth mode.

👉- A third reason could be that there is an **internal error** on the Facebook server that is causing this message to show up. This could be a temporary issue that will be fixed soon by the Facebook developers. You can try to refresh the page or clear your cache and cookies to see if it works.

I hope this helps you resolve the error. If you need more information, you can check out these links:

graphql query is unauthorized fixed permanently (2023)?

Fixing a "GraphQL query is unauthorized" error typically involves addressing issues related to authentication and authorization. Here are steps to troubleshoot and resolve this error:

✅1. **Check Authentication**:

   - Ensure that you are properly authenticated before sending the GraphQL query. Make sure you have valid credentials, such as an authentication token or API key, and that you've used them correctly in your request.

✅2. **Verify User Permissions**:

   - Review your user account or access level. You might not have the necessary permissions to execute the specific query. Check with the API provider or administrator to confirm your access rights.

✅3. **Valid Token or Key**:

   - Double-check the validity of your authentication token or API key. Ensure that it hasn't expired and is correctly formatted according to the API's requirements.

✅4. **Query Structure**:

   - Review your GraphQL query to ensure it's correctly structured and adheres to the API's schema. Confirm that you're requesting the appropriate fields and not attempting to access restricted data.

✅5. **Rate Limiting**:

   - Some APIs enforce rate limits to prevent abuse. Make sure you're not exceeding the API's rate limits, which could result in an unauthorized error.

✅6. **API Documentation**:

   - Refer to the API's documentation to understand the specific authorization and authentication requirements. The documentation may provide information on how to obtain and use authentication tokens.

✅7. **Error Message Details**:

   - Pay attention to the error message provided by the API. It might offer more information about why the query is unauthorized. The error message can sometimes pinpoint the exact issue.

✅8. **Contact API Support**:

   - If you've followed the above steps and the error persists, consider reaching out to the API provider's support or community forums for assistance. They can offer specific guidance on how to resolve the issue based on their API's policies and configuration.

Remember that the specific steps to resolve a "GraphQL query is unauthorized" error can vary based on the API's implementation and policies. Proper authentication and authorization are essential for secure and authorized access to data and services through GraphQL.
