Thursday 1 February 2024

How dns over dns prod error error message dns parsing failed fixed?

dns over dns prod error error message dns parsing failed,It seems like there's an issue with DNS parsing. Double-check your DNS settings and ensure they are configured correctly. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to your network administrator or service provider for assistance.

dns over dns prod error error message dns parsing failed

What is dns over dns prod error error message dns parsing failed?

 you're experiencing issues with DNS. The error message you provided, "DNS parsing failed", is a common error message that can occur for a variety of reasons. One possible cause is a misconfiguration of the DNS settings on your device. Another possible cause is a problem with the DNS configuration on the server side.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

1. Clear your browser cache and cookies.

2. Change your DNS settings to use a public DNS server such as Google.

3. Restart your router/modem.

4. Uninstall and reinstall your network driver(s).

If none of these steps work, you may need to contact your internet service provider (ISP) or system administrator for further assistance.

Reason behind dns over dns prod error error message dns parsing failed?

The error message you mentioned, "DNS parsing failed," is typically associated with the "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG" error code. This error message indicates that the Domain Name System (DNS) wasn’t able to resolve the IP address properly, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as misconfigured DNS settings, network adapter issues, or antivirus/firewall software blocking DNS requests .

To fix this issue, you can try the following solutions:

- Clear your browser's cache and cookies.

- Restart your router and modem.

- Disable any VPN or proxy servers.

- Temporarily disable your antivirus or firewall software.

- Flush your DNS cache.

- Reset your network settings.

dns over dns prod error error message dns parsing failed how to fix permanently?

Sure, let's try to troubleshoot the DNS parsing issue step by step:

1. **Check Network Connection:**

Ensure your device has a stable internet connection.

2. **Verify DNS Settings:**

 Confirm that your DNS settings are correct. You can use public DNS servers like Google's ( and or Cloudflare (

3. **Flush DNS Cache:**

   Open a command prompt (or terminal) and type:


   ipconfig /flushdns


4. **Restart Device:**

 Reboot your computer or device to refresh network settings.

5. **Check Hosts File:**

   Verify that there are no incorrect entries in your system's hosts file.

6. **Disable VPN or Proxy:**

   If you're using a VPN or proxy, temporarily disable it to see if it resolves the issue.

7. **Firewall Settings:**

   Check your firewall settings to ensure they are not blocking DNS requests.

8. **Update Network Drivers:**

   Ensure your network drivers are up-to-date.

9. **Run Network Troubleshooter:**

   Use the built-in network troubleshooter on your operating system.

10. **Temporarily Disable Antivirus:**

    Disable your antivirus temporarily to check if it's causing the problem.

11. **Check Router Configuration:**

    Verify that your router's DNS settings are configured correctly.

12. **Test on Another Device:**

    See if the issue persists on another device to isolate the problem.

13. **Use Different DNS Server:**

    Switch to a different DNS server to see if the error persists.

14. **Check for Malware:**

    Run a full antivirus scan to rule out any malware affecting your DNS.

15. **Browser Cache:**

    Clear the cache in your web browser.

16. **Update Browser:**

    Ensure your browser is up-to-date.

17. **Use a Different Browser:**

    Test if the issue occurs on a different web browser.

18. **Check DNSSEC Settings:**

    If DNSSEC is enabled, ensure it's configured correctly.

19. **Check Router Firmware:**

    Ensure your router has the latest firmware installed.

20. **Temporarily Disable Firewall:**

    Temporarily disable your firewall to check if it's causing the problem.

21. **Check System Date and Time:**

    Ensure your system's date and time are set correctly.

22. **Disable IPv6:**

    Try disabling IPv6 in your network settings.

23. **Reset Router:**

    If possible, perform a factory reset on your router.

24. **Check for Browser Extensions:**

    Disable browser extensions to rule out conflicts.

25. **Check for System Updates:**

    Ensure your operating system is up-to-date.

26. **Review Event Viewer Logs:**

    Check the Event Viewer for any related error messages.

27. **Check ISP Status:**

    Verify if your Internet Service Provider is experiencing any outages.

28. **Contact DNS Provider:**

    If you're using a specific DNS provider, reach out to them for support.

29. **Temporarily Disable IPv6:**

    If you're using IPv6, try disabling it temporarily.

30. **Check for Rogue DNS Servers:**

    Ensure no unauthorised DNS servers are configured.

... continue troubleshooting based on the specific details of your setup and environment. If the issue persists, consider seeking assistance from a professional or your network administrator.


The "DNS over DNS" error, or "DNS parsing failed," could indicate an issue with the DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) or DNS-over-TLS (DoT) configuration. It might be due to misconfigured settings, a network problem, or a DNS server that doesn't support the chosen protocol. Check your DNS settings and ensure they are properly configured for the selected DNS-over-HTTPS or DNS-over-TLS provider. If the issue persists, consider troubleshooting your network connectivity or choosing a different DNS provider.
