Sunday 23 June 2024

drm key error how to fixed?(2024)

 The "DRM" error can occur when playing protected video content. Here are some steps you can try to resolve it:

1. **Power Cycle Your Device**:

   - Turn off your device and TV.

   - If you're using an HDMI cable, unplug it from your device and TV.

   - Turn on your device and TV.

   - Reconnect the HDMI cable to your device and TV.

   - Open the app again and try watching the content².


2. **Reset the DRM Store** (for Windows Media Player 12):

   - Exit Windows Media Player 12 if it's running.

   - Locate the DRM folder on your hard disk.

   - Rename the DRM folder to "DRM backup"³.

3. **Check Graphics Adapter and PlayReady Status**:

   - In Microsoft Edge, navigate to `edge://gpu`.

   - Scroll down to the 'Media Foundation Rendering Capabilities' section.

   - Verify if PlayReady is disabled due to a graphics adapter driver issue.

   - Submit feedback via Edge's menu if needed¹.

Understanding DRM Key Errors: Causes and Solutions

In the digital age, protecting content from unauthorized use is crucial. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is one of the primary methods employed to safeguard digital media, ensuring that only authorized users can access, distribute, or modify the content. However, as effective as DRM can be, it occasionally presents users with the frustrating "DRM key error." Let's explore what this error means, its common causes, and how to resolve it.

What is a DRM Key Error?

DRM key errors occur when there is a problem with the digital rights management key required to access protected content. This key is a part of the encryption mechanism that locks and unlocks content. When a DRM key error surfaces, it typically means that the system cannot verify the user's authorization to access the content, effectively rendering the media inaccessible.

Common Causes of DRM Key Errors

  1. Outdated Software:

    • Many DRM-protected media require the latest version of the software or app being used. An outdated app may not support the latest DRM protocols, resulting in a key error.
  2. Corrupt Media Files:

    • If the media file itself is corrupted or partially downloaded, the DRM key may fail to verify, leading to an error.
  3. License Issues:

    • Sometimes, the license associated with the media file might have expired or might not have been properly acquired, causing a DRM key error.
  4. Device Limitations:

    • DRM systems often restrict the number of devices on which content can be accessed. If the maximum limit is reached, attempting to access the content on a new device may trigger an error.
  5. Network Problems:

    • DRM verification often requires an active internet connection. Network issues or server downtime can lead to a failure in retrieving the necessary DRM key.

Solutions to DRM Key Errors

  1. Update Your Software:

    • Ensure that you are using the latest version of the software or app. Developers frequently release updates to address compatibility issues and improve DRM support.
  2. Redownload the Media File:

    • If the file is suspected to be corrupted, try downloading it again from the original source. This can often resolve issues related to incomplete or corrupted files.
  3. Check Your Licenses:

    • Verify that you have the necessary licenses to access the content. If a license has expired, you may need to renew it or purchase a new one.
  4. Manage Device Authorizations:

    • Review and manage the devices authorized to access your content. Some services provide options to deauthorize devices that are no longer in use, freeing up slots for new ones.
  5. Ensure Stable Internet Connection:

    • Make sure your internet connection is stable. If the issue persists, check the service status of the content provider as server-side problems can also cause DRM key errors.
  6. Contact Support:

    • If none of the above solutions work, reaching out to the content provider’s customer support can be helpful. They might have specific troubleshooting steps or be able to resolve the issue on their end.

Preventive Measures

  • Regular Updates: Keep all relevant software up to date to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Backup Licenses: Whenever possible, back up your licenses to ensure they are not lost in case of a system failure.
  • Monitor Devices: Regularly check which devices are authorized to access your content and manage them proactively.
  • Stable Network: Maintain a reliable internet connection to ensure smooth verification processes.

FAQs on DRM Key Errors

What is a DRM key error?

A DRM key error occurs when the digital rights management (DRM) system cannot verify the authorization key required to access protected content. This error prevents the user from viewing or using the digital media.

What causes DRM key errors?

Common causes of DRM key errors include outdated software, corrupted media files, expired or invalid licenses, device authorization limits, and network connectivity issues.

How can I fix a DRM key error on my device?

  • Update your software: Ensure you have the latest version of the app or software you're using.
  • Redownload the media file: If the file is corrupted, download it again from the original source.
  • Check your licenses: Verify that your license is valid and has not expired.
  • Manage device authorizations: Deauthorize devices you no longer use and ensure you haven’t exceeded the maximum limit.
  • Ensure a stable internet connection: Check your network and try again when the connection is stable.
  • Contact support: If none of these steps work, reach out to the content provider's customer support.

Why do I keep getting DRM key errors even though my software is up to date?

Continuous DRM key errors despite having up-to-date software may be due to corrupted media files, expired licenses, or exceeding device authorization limits. It could also be due to persistent network issues.

Can DRM key errors be prevented?

Yes, you can take several measures to prevent DRM key errors:

  • Regularly update your software.
  • Backup and manage your licenses.
  • Monitor and manage device authorizations.
  • Ensure a reliable internet connection.

What should I do if my license has expired?

If your license has expired, you need to renew it or purchase a new one to regain access to the DRM-protected content.

Can I resolve DRM key errors without internet access?

Resolving DRM key errors typically requires an internet connection as the DRM system needs to verify your authorization. However, managing device authorizations or updating software might be possible offline if you have already downloaded the necessary updates.

Are DRM key errors the same across all devices and platforms?

DRM key errors can occur across different devices and platforms, but the specific causes and solutions may vary. It's important to follow the troubleshooting steps relevant to your specific device and platform.

What if redownloading the media file doesn’t fix the DRM key error?

If redownloading the file doesn't fix the error, the issue may lie with your software, licenses, or device authorizations. Double-check these areas, and if the problem persists, contact the content provider’s customer support for further assistance.

Can I transfer my DRM-protected content to another device without encountering a DRM key error?

Transferring DRM protected content to another device is possible, but it depends on the DRM system's policies. Ensure the new device is authorised and that you have not exceeded your device limit. Follow the content provider’s guidelines for transferring or re downloading the content on a new device.

Will factory resetting my device fix DRM key errors?

Factory resetting your device might resolve some software related issues, but it's a drastic measure. Before doing this, try other troubleshooting steps like updating software, managing licenses, and ensuring a stable internet connection. Backup your data if you decide to reset your device.


DRM key errors, while frustrating, are typically resolvable with a bit of troubleshooting. By understanding the common causes and applying the appropriate solutions, you can regain access to your protected content quickly. Staying proactive with software updates, license management, and network stability can prevent many of these errors from occurring in the first place. If issues persist, do not hesitate to seek help from customer support to ensure a seamless digital experience.
